Explore your deepest yearnings, the gifts you have to give to the world and the obstacles to doing that.
Become intimate with your self, the world, and the mystery beyond your ordinary mind.
For anyone with an interest in a holistic, soulful path of transformation.

My approach to spiritual counseling I call Integrated Awareness. It embraces the two great dimensions of human unfolding, sometimes called Spirit and Soul, through an integration of methods including Buddhist psychology and Voice Dialogue.
The work of Spirit is deep awareness--- knowing intimately how we are woven into the fabric of being, opening to the dreamlike nature of life, and practicing the great way of Unknowing. Through these we recover our native spaciousness and ease and connect with a meaning-fullness that transcends the particular situations of our lives.
The practices of spirit work include meditation, awareness practices, inquiry into belief systems and identity structures and opening the subtle energies of the body. In one-on-one facilitations, I offer personally tailored meditations and practices at each step of your unfolding.​
Soul work listens to our everyday longing, dreaming, and interpersonal relating for the pulse of our unfolding. It addresses inner and outer conflicts, emotional blockages, symptoms and disturbances listening for what wants to emerge into consciousness. The practices of soul work include voice dialogue facilitations, *edgework, dream unfolding, *ritual work and more.
*edgework, sometimes called shadow work, is turning towards and bringing consciousness into the places in our life where understanding and spaciousness are lacking.
*ritual work is using image, symbol, physical offerings and gestures to communicate, resonate and harmonize with forces we would like support from.
Open Reciprocity Pricing
Sliding Scale $100 - 200
per 75 min session
To make this work available to anyone with a desire for transformation, the sliding scale allows those with greater financial capacity to support those with more need. This open reciprocity model is based on generosity and honors the exchange of energy between us, supports awareness work in the world, and allows this work to be accessible to more individuals.
I have some open slots at a discounted rate with priority given to monastics, yogis and yoginis, dharma teachers and those involved in social justice work. Please reach out if interested.
I am also offering one off 45 minute ‘laser-style’ coaching sessions for $50.
Highly focused sessions zeroing in on the heart of what you’re meeting in your practice.
May include voice dialogue, somatic energy work, meditation coaching, dream exploration and more.
For appointments or inquiries please contact me here.
Jogen on Spiritual Counseling